(Private supplier) Camelot organic farm

[email protected], 0824215603

NOTE: These products are made with raw milk!

“We are based in the Riebeek Valley are part owners of a small herd of Jersey cows that are completely pasture fed and supplemented with silage grown on the farm. Jerseys provide A2 milk which is much better suited to the digestive systems of humans and so less prone to lactose intolerance and allergic reactions.

 Our yoghurt is made by fermentation which lasts for 24 hours at least, and we use a culture that contains 7 strains of probiotics. No preservatives, colouring, extenders, stabilizers are used in any products. All products are handmade.

 The feta is pasteurized, mozzarella and halloumi start off raw but cooking processes in the manufacture of both cheeses essentially pasteurized them. All our hard cheeses are raw milk cheeses that are matured for at least 60 days. We have only recently re-started the manufacture of hard cheeses after Lockdown.

 All cheeses are still essentially alive as the cultures continue to work even in brine or vacuum-pack. Yogurt especially is very vigorous with 7 strains of live bacteria.”

What do your animals eat?

Natural paddock for part of the year. Natural grasses clover and kikuyu. No fertilizer is necessary as the cow pats are broken up by wild birds etc. Occasionally gypsum is added. Supplemented animal feed is provided when grass runs out in dry months. Silage mostly wheat hay and lucern in winter. No corn is added as it requires summer rainfall and there isn’t enough water to achieve that in summer.

What kind of fertilizers are used?

On paddocks none as mentioned above

Wheat is grown partly using manure and general NPK fertilizers.

How do you manage predators?

There are no real predators in pasture. Pregnant cows are brought into paddock near house and mostly give birth under cover in fenced paddocks.

Cows are milked by machine

Every one is experienced handling the small herd of cows injuries are rare but are treated promptly. Any cow requiring antibiotics for infection or injury is not milked with the rest of the herd and is usually hand milked as the milk is discarded.

The milk goes from the udder into stainless steel tanks which cool to 4 degrees and contains a stirrer.

Milk is supplied raw. No pasturising facilities exist on the farm.

The Raw milk is collected in 25l buckets and transported to cheesery before 6am

The milk is processed within hours. Either raw milk hard cheeses or feta, halloumi and yoghurt are pasteurized in the production process.

Age of cows. Some cows often produce till 15 years old. Average between 8 and 12 years. They are sold to private owners when they are retired. We do not send any cows to abattoir.

Jersey cows.

Not certified organic

Animals are not really integrated with crops .

Impregnated as soon as cow reaches condition average usually once a year.

Male calves are sold individually to nearby farmers.Often raised for meat. Jersey meat is sought after. Calves stay with mothers around 1 months and are then weaned in nearby pens with undercover area and males are sold.

The only time a cow is transported is for the occasional show in a trailer usually only 1 or 2 attend.

Synthetic fertilizers are used on the wheat not grazing paddocks manure fertilizes those paddocks. No ploughing takes place on grazing paddocks. NO routine antibiotics and hormones are used on the herd. The cows are rotated every few days in winter. Brought closer to dairy in summer as water is an issue and silage grown on the farm is then used.

No tail docking.

The cheese is made in a small cheesery with very few machines and wooden presses. No antifungals are used in packaging or in manufacture. Orange based gel soap is used and this is actually edible if not very pleasant to eat!!No buffers or acidifiers are used. Cheese ages naturally. Yoghurt is fermented for 24 hours. No colouring ,preservatives or stabilizers are used no sugar is added (gluten free). Milk culture and in some cases hand harvested sea salt from the west coast is used. Olive oil in some products is produced and pressed within 5km of cheesery. Herbs are grown on site. Wild garlic and peppercorns are imported and non irradiated and certified organic.